Friday, January 30, 2009

Little Mount Si And Duval Books

Well, the sun came out today and Bogie prescribed a mental health day at the trail. So we ventured to Little Mount Si and I’ve decided to buy a new camera next week. I took some really great pictures that didn’t come out to be very great pictures. I noodled with a lot of the settings but nothing really seemed to work out. So I think I’m going to do the Costco thing ... where I buy a camera ... try it out on the trails and return it within 90 days if I’m not happy. I’m just enjoying the picture taking experience on the trail just too much to let it go to waste. I think I’m going to review these 81 pictures from Little Mount Si today and use them as a benchmark for my new camera.

Anyway, we had a lovely day today, I stopped at Duval Books on the way down to North Bend and picked up two hardback first edition Sci-Fi books for $11.00. One was an Orson Scott Card book and one was the complete Hitchhikers Guide compilation. Again, most of the pictures of the store didn’t turn out very well but here are a couple that did OK.

They have done some work on the Little Mount Si trail since my last visit. Very nice and we had a great time on the hike. It was foggy going down and I had low expectations but it was simply wonderful once we got there.

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