Friday, August 15, 2008

Wallace Falls Hike - Washington State

Well, we don’t get to many 90 degree days here and most apartments don’t have air conditioning because of that. In fact, my townhome windows are the kind that don’t support a window air conditioner. So what do I do when the heat hits? Why I go hiking of course. Funny, but with a lot of tree canopy and higher altitudes, it is not a bad idea.

I had planned to hike to a higher elevation lake today but traffic was too heavy and it was bugging me. I sometimes think that Highway 2 going through Monroe should be renamed to Parking Lot 2 Friday through Sunday. Anyway, we downshifted our plans to do the Wallace Falls State Park hike and it was very enjoyable.

Great view (even with the powerlines) right before the trail gets started.

There wasn’t that much traffic at the park at all and the trail itself had moderate traffic. There are lots and lots of water stops on the trail for Bogie, so I felt great about doing this trail. The heat even wasn’t too bad until we got back to the car.

Bogie seems to sense that this trail has plenty of water for him to drink and sink his furry body into.

All in all, a good midweek hike. I left the office at about 11:00, did the 5 + mile trail hike and back into the office by 4:05 PM. Not bad considering I made one quick stop to get some new running shoes and grabbed a sandwich on the way back. Still a couple hours left to do some work!

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