Sunday, July 27, 2008

Centennial Trail (Armar Trailhead)

Yesterday April, Bandit, Patches, Bogie and I got a late start for some trail action and the weather was quite cloudy. So we thought we would try to finish the Centennial trail off by starting at the most northern trailhead at the 17.75 mile marker and work our way down. As you can tell, the dogs were more than anxious for some trail action. Trail itself is like the rest of Centennial Trail, flat and well maintained. It is quite pretty and you can see some of the valley at different parts of the trail.

Just after you pass the 17 mile marker is the first water stop for the dogs and the only water we saw on this trip. I’m not sure how far we actually went because we never saw a trail marker after the 16 mile mark. My knee was fine but Bandit and Patches were really worn out and we turned around at the bridge that goes under 108th avenue. So I imagine we went probably went to the 15 mile marker down or perhaps close to the 14 mile marker. So I still haven’t traveled between the 12 mile marker and the 15 mile marker.

There is a number of nice picnic areas on this part of Centennial Trail. In fact, I think there is more individual picnic areas in this small part than the entire rest of the trail. The Armar trailhead is evidently very popular with the bicyclist and this is quite common for Centennial Trail on the whole.

Just before the 16 mile marker, you will see the Quilceda Watershed trailhead. Another very nice place for a quick picnic.

Here you can see the bridge in which we did the turn around.

Bandit and Patches were very tired dogs. They were sharing the same leash the entire time, so they did expend a lot of energy working against each other as they often wanted to go in different directions.

Bogie wasn’t that tired at all but he gets lot of trail action and the new puppy cut makes him much more streamlined.

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