Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Morning Hike Up Mount Pilchuck

Worked diligently on client projects during the weekend and headed out for a morning hike as a compensation to myself and the wonder dog. Got to the trail head about 11 AM and was totally unprepared about how hot it would be (in the 90s).

It was a very pretty day for a hike and we both enjoyed it immensely.

Couple shots of the wonder dog enjoying shade where he can find it.

Someone decided to create a simple rock sculpture. Sometimes you find dozens of these on a trail!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Proven Guilty - Dresden Files Series Book

I had enjoyed the first (and only) season of The Dresden Files on the Sci-Fi channel. I admit I was bummed it wasn't picked up for a second season but you can't put much faith in television. Funny, but I see now that the television series was produced by Nicholas Cage.

Anyhoo ...

I had joined a few months ago and seen they had some of the Dresden File books. The earliest they had was the eighth book in the series, so I gave it a go.

I liked it almost immediately and have been steadily listening to the book for the last couple months in rotation of some other audible material I've collected. Lots of characters that were never in the television series but I wasn't too far behind without experiencing the other seven books prior to this one.

Lots of vampire and kick ass fairy action, which I hadn't really seen fairies portrayed as bad asses before ... well ... there was that bad ass tooth fairy movie and one episode of Torchwood. Lots of sarcasm, humor and banter in this novel, almost like a Buffy or Firefly pattern. Overall found it an enjoyable read / listen and decided to try the series from the start and purchased the first book in the series from Audible, not that they seem to have the complete collection.

Kuroshio Sea - Mega Fish Tank

Can you imagine being here and seeing this? Or here is a wild thought, a wall in your living room which is an integrated video panel display (like in the movie Total Recall). Then having this video play continuously on days where you feel particularly stressed out or anxious?

Friday, July 17, 2009

July Puppy Cut!

Been unusually hot and bogie was overdue for his second puppy cut of the year.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Total Eclipse of the Heart: Literal Video Version

Saturday At Point Defiance

Such a pretty day on Saturday and the weather forecast for the next few days looked dreary. So we decided to trek down to Tacoma and visit Point Defiance. They have a nice beach their, some old growth forest, a zoo (which we did not partake of), a turn of the century fort (too late to take a tour of) and lots of other goodies.

The trails often intersect the back side of the Point Defiance zoo and we happened upon some reindeer enjoying a chew.

Here are some shots over by the bait shop and boat launch for fishermen.

Not too much compelling action in the old growth forest but it is a nice walk.

The fort closed at 5 PM and we stumbled upon the road to it around 4:45 PM. So we didn’t get a chance to check it out but it is now on the list for this summer!

Finally, some shots from the car ride going back home.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Bridal Falls

Had planned on visiting the recently reopened ice caves at Big 4 (I’ve never been) but saw a blog post that the caves themselves haven’t appeared yet. So downshifted to Bridal Falls off of Highway 2.

It was kind of weird but the first mile up the trail, we met a dozen or so women in their 60s plus (it is a bit of thing here) and then there was a collection of church teenagers at the falls themselves.

No kidding, this is a sign they placed on a tree next to the falls themselves.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Quick Walk On Centennial Trail

Had my backup camera in my walking bag and snapped a few shot. Experimented with these shots through the weeds along the trail to the hay fields beyond.

Then shot a few under the Route 2 bridge as Bogie enjoys a dip in the cool water.