Saturday, August 30, 2008

Licorice Fern Trail - Cougar Mountain

Today the sun came out early and Bogie and I headed out for some trail action. Going out the door, I was thinking of going to the Lime Kiln Trail, that I had done earlier in the year but my camera wasn’t very good. Then decided to do the Coal Creek trail, which I had done earlier with poor pictures. We arrived at the Coal Creek Trail to see signs everywhere that the trail was closed. So looking at the 60 Hikes Within 60 Miles of Seattle book, we decided to do the Licorice Fern Trail.

Now the trailhead for this trail is absolutely silly. It is literally just off to the right of someone’s driveway and down a hill just enough you cannot see the sign. However, we did and it was a pleasant trail. Lots of ferns, most and pleasant woods landscape. Nothing remarkable on the way and it evidently interscects a number of other Cougar Mountain trails. There is a (quote / unquote) lookout but you cannot see anything due to tree growth.

The signs for all the trail intersections is quite good and it is kind of ironic because these trails are right by the Squak Mountain trails. Both have lots of trail intersections and one does a fantastic job and the other does an awful one. The Squak Mountain trails were the ones I got lost on for 2 hours due to misleading signs on the east side.

If you are a trail runner, you will probably like this trail quite a bit because there was a lot of trail runners there. I haven’t done any trail running in the last few years and miss it quite a bit. With Bogie about 9 years old now and me nearly 50, not sure if / when I’ll get the trail running inspiration again.

After trail car ride happiness!

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