Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008: Whiskeytown Friday

On Friday, we had a great breakfast before heading out to Whiskeytown for another quick hike. This time, Rachel and Ben joined us and the weather was absolutely great! Since there were six of us total, the canines got the chance to ride in the bed of the truck! Lucky them!

Both dogs are not complaining a bit.

Here you can see that I got down on the ledge just a great shot of Mike and the family. On a side note, we tried to make sure the dogs didn’t get into the water because we didn’t want to give them a bath back at the house. However, while I was taking the above shots, Bogie took advantage of the opportunity and was not denied.

Bogie takes advantage of situation and takes a Northern California lake swim.

Some shots from down on the lake.

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